Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Brrr! Baby, It's Cold.

Good Morning Beautiful,

Meteorologists have determined that the polar vortex is so powerful that it is causing a deep atmospheric depression along the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, subzero temperatures are breaking records across the US this week. Today in Chicago, we are at a frigid 3 degrees, while other states are experiencing temperatures as low as -20 degrees.  News reports are covering deaths all across America. People are literally freezing to death because of these brutally cold temperatures. All across the nation cities are declaring a state of emergency. Several media outlets have described this blizzard as "bitterly cold", "life threatening", "a real killer",  and "a serious situation".  One news outlet stated that within 10 minutes of being outside you could literally freeze to death if you weren't properly clothed. For this reason, we are being warned to exercise extreme caution when dealing with these plunging temperatures. It's dangerous out there and if you aren't properly prepared you could lose your life.

Sounds scary, doesn't it?

Yet, this weather doesn't even compete with the coldness of our own hearts. 

As I sit here and write this blog, I can't help but think of the coldness of my own heart. I can honestly sit here and say that at one time or another, my heart has been so cold that the blizzard of my own words have killed many. I often find myself asking God to change my heart and make it more like His. Daily I plead for Him to reveal the areas in which I struggle and the areas that I need to allow Him to clean up. 

Then, I go through my day being "holy" and "righteous". I become so pleased with myself and how much I'm allowing God to change me, make me new, and renew my heart. Everything seems fine and dandy and I start to take pride in how fully committed I am to the Lord. I can see how kind, tenderhearted and loving I am becoming.


My sister comes in town to visit me and the blizzard returns.

My sister and I have always had a very "special" relationship, as most sisters do. I'm her protector, defender, confidant, sounding board, teacher, supporter, and encourager and she is mine. Then at the drop of the wrong tone, attitude, word or action, she becomes my worst enemy and the polar vortex of my heart comes in blazing causing a deep atmospheric depression to those around me. I'm quick to destroy her with my words, hurt her with my actions, and cut her down as though she's my archenemy. In many ways, the way I treat my sister when she upsets me, is comparable to how the harsh, cold, disastrous blizzard treats us. After I've emptied the most hurtful words out of my heart and she's crying, I find myself fully convicted and ashamed.  Most times, I play it off with pride and act as if I don't care that I just killed her spirit with my words and actions. The moment God gets me alone, I sit in a sea of my own shame, fully convicted of my wrongdoing and shortcomings. 

As usual, when you ask God to reveal something to you, He sure does. When I ask God to reveal my heart to me and to work in me, He ALWAYS uses the people closest to me to show me who I REALLY am.  He uses people that I love to reveal the content of my heart to me. He uses them to expose the areas that need His healing power, the areas that need His forgiveness, the areas that need His strength, the areas that need His love and the areas that need His chastening.

Don't get me wrong, He uses strangers as well. However, we have a love connection with our own family and friends and the piercing of His conviction is more painful when He uses them,  because of the bond we share with these people. Which is also why we are deeply wounded when family and friends betray and disappoint us versus some random stranger.

He will use ANYONE and ANYTHING when he is trying to transform your heart.

For instance....

It's common for people to say things like, "I cannot stand "So and So" because "So and So" brings out the worst in me."

No, girlfriend! "So and So" doesn't bring out the worst in you. "So and So" just exposes the garbage in your heart, the evil in your heart and the insecurities in your heart. The reason you don't like "So and So" is because your reaction to "So and So's" actions is a reflection of your wicked little heart and you don't like what you see.

I love this illustration and scripture because it really depicts what our tiny hearts look like when they're engulfed in the filth of jealousy, deception, envy, lust, idolatry, hate, unforgiveness, etc.

The scripture used here explains how the words that come out of your mouth, whether they be love or hate, are connected to your heart and are a result of what is living in your heart. So if you want to determine if your heart is pure and good, then you would need to evaluate what comes out of your mouth. 

Do you cut others down with your words?
Do you curse people with your words?
Do you wish bad on people with your words?
Do you gossip?
Do you lie?
Do you spread rumors?
Do you curse people out?
Do you tarnish people's character and reputation with your words?
Do you speak negativity with your words?
Do you doubt with your words?

Do I hear some of you whispering "yes"? 

Don't be ashamed, Love. Rejoice! God has just exposed your own heart to you. He has revealed the truth to you and His Word says that the truth shall set us FREE. 

Be Free!

How do you find freedom, you ask? 

It's simple. 

Come to the feet of Jesus and ask for His sweet forgiveness. Ask Him to change your heart, mind and words. Ask Him to come in and do some serious housekeeping and to clean out the deepest and dirtiest corners of your heart, and then submit to Him. Let Him change you. Ask Him for strength or whatever it is that you lack and He will provide it. 

I find that when I'm not sitting in the presence of Jesus and allowing Him to be strong in my weakness, I fail, and the story above repeats itself. We are going to make mistakes and we are going to have days where we fail but failure is not a dead end road. Seek Jesus and he will reroute you back to righteousness.

Here is what your heart should be focused on.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Love does not give up. Love is kind. Love is not jealous. Love does not put itself up as being important. Love has no pride. Love does not do the wrong thing. Love never thinks of itself. Love does not get angry. Love does not remember the suffering that comes from being hurt by someone. Love is not happy with sin. Love is happy with the truth. Love takes everything that comes without giving up. Love believes all things. Love hopes for all things. Love keeps on in all things.

Sister, it is possible for God to change you. Don't settle in your mediocre ways. Be the best version of yourself. 

The grace of Jesus is beautiful. Here's a little tip: Shower in it daily or you will begin to stink. 

Alright, now go out there and start your day with encouragement and love. This day is YOURS. Conquer it!

P.S I am so excited about Friday's blog. It's going to be the most transparent I have ever been in my entire life. I would like to forewarn you about the rawness of Friday's post. If you have teenage daughters, I would encourage you (use discernment) to have them read my post. It's going to rock your world. We will be covering sex, adultery, fornication and a few other things. This blog will be candid and real. I am willing to lay it all on the line to save another woman from experiencing the pain I went through and to prevent them from making the mistakes I have made.

Jessica Torres
Founder of Beauty of Encouragement