Monday, January 6, 2014

Letter of Love

Hi Ladies,

I just want to share some things with you that have been on my heart. When I started this blog, I promised that I would be 100% transparent, real and raw with you all. The reason for this is because I want you to know that you are NOT alone. I want you to know that there are other women in this world going through the same struggles as you. I want you to know that you can overcome. I want you to know that you are capable of changing and growing.

I just cannot stop thinking about you ladies. From the moment I opened my eyes today, I have thought about you, prayed for you and spoke life into your day. You have no idea how much love God has placed in my heart for you. I was literally in tears this morning as I prayed over your lives, families, hearts and minds.  I never knew it was possible to love women that I don't even know. However, God has placed it in my heart to serve you, to love you and to encourage you.  I take honor in that responsibility.

When you are feeling alone, down, sad, discouraged, please come back to this post to be reminded that you are loved. I want you to know that someone is cheering for you, praying for you, thinking of you and spending endless hours thinking of ways to bring encouragement into your lives.

I want you to know that you are special. You were beautifully and wonderfully made. You aren't an accident. You aren't a mistake. Even if your mama had you at 16, you were still born with purpose. You are part of God's perfect plan. He paid the price for YOU! To be close to YOU. To be a father to YOU. Every breath you take is because God wants you to be here, on Earth, living! 

I want you to live your life on purpose. I don't want you to have a victim mentality. I want you to step into this day with meaning and determination. I want you to shake off all of the things that discourage you, hurt you, worry you, or cause you anxiety. I want you to conquer this day.

Before you begin your day, I want you to go somewhere quiet. I want you to just start authoritively speaking good things into your life. What kind of life do you want? Then that is what you need to speak into your day.

I realize how silly this may sound but I assure you that it works. I do this everyday and it just changes my world and perspective on things. Here is what my words look like.

"Today I will have a servants heart. I will be love to other people. Today the right doors will be opened for me. Today doors will be closed that are dangerous to my life. Today I will meet the right people. Today I will cut out the wrong people. Today I will have a positive attitude. Today I am rich in happiness, health and wealth. Today I will serve God and please Him in all I do. Today I will not be defeated in my mind. Today I will be encouraged and share it with others"

Try it! Also, please share your story with us. I look forward to learning more about the beauties reading my blog.

Have a blessed day!

P.S. I am keeping today's post very light. The rest of the week I will be going in at your heart. I will be revealing some of my past mistakes with you. You won't want to miss this. I will be releasing a video soon to prepare you for Friday's blog. I'm about to expose my past to you and rock your world.

Jessica Torres
Founder of Beauty of Encouragement